Wednesday 11 March 2015

legal and ethical issues

The effects on audience: many of people from my audience research found it too be too busy/crowded and had way too much going on, also a few found it too be offensive and sexist in it's messages.
and lastly the art direction and textual multi-media formatting was found to have a mixed response, from it being too confusing and hard to read and absorb to others liking the style and colourful feel.

issues of representation: the representation here could have many issues in the representation of soldiers, americans, white people, and females.
in this advert 90% of the characters are white skinned in the advert which represents axe's product in a bad way to be only be relating to the white race, so it is limiting its audience rather a lot straight of the bat, also they are secluding other races and don't see them in this image.

females are shown here to be worshipping the men on this paradise island, so straight away its bottom line sexism however we tend to see this from lynx in there target audience and the extent lynx will go to try and win people over with hot girls.

legal and ethical issues: some ethical issues could be the Vietnam war looking scene with no vietnamese people in it, as if the americans came over took the land and brought the white girls with them. so this has an ethical issue of americans conquering then using lynx and parting over the war, possible reading from the audience.

another ethical issue is the lack of mixed race in the scene, it shows only white american girls and all white american men having fun on a Vietnamese  island. so no black or other races are shown in the print advert, this is an ethical issue due to hiding an entire culture to have as customers.
a legal issue could possibly be the adverts likeness to the film apocalypse now, so the owners of that film have issues with the adverts and it's similar styling to the films art style and feel.

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